Based and unbased software chart

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Arch, Gentoo NixOS NixOS sucks because to do anything in the system (install packages, change settings, etc) you cant do them the normal way, you have to first learn a whole programming language (nix), open a config file, search half of the internet for the settings, and then edit it, recompile half your system, and reboot. Fuck that
Firefox, qutebrowser (almost) Brave, OperaGX Brave sucks because cryptoshit + affiliate link shenanigans, everyone knows that. But OperaGX oh my fuck its awful. It has built-in fucking vpn, in-built games rss feed or something, in-build messenger, discord, facebook, built RIGHT INTO THE FUCKING BROWSER AS SIDE-TABS, a RAM LIMITER, and other useless bloat shit that literally nobody uses or asked for. Fuck OperaGX, fuck Gayming browsers, fuck you.
pacman, xbps, apk apt, dnf, eopkg (ew) eopkg fucking sucks. It runs `sync` after every package (not after all packages, after every single package), its slow as balls, its ugly, it never works, its more complicated than portage, i hate eopkg, i hate solus, solus sucks in general, fuck solus.
yas, su -C sudo, doas

just look at it

its beatiful

busybox vi, emacs (bonus: UEFI BIOS) nano, micro, neovim nano sucks, micro is bloated and harder-to-use nano, and neovim is usable i guess but it doesnt work with the "force write as root" trick
make your own, WTFPL+N (A,L)GPL, BSD kinda gpl sucks because its longer than the bible, bsd is eh, and wtfpl+n is best because big tech wont use your shit
alacritty, uwuterm st, all other terminals st, the suckless terminal. aka the worst terminal. mainly because you have to patch it to add scrolling. that is the one thing that makes it the worst terminale ever. the most basic feature, removed without any reason. literally everyone wants scrolling in a terminal, and yet suckless says that scrolling is for pussies and you VILL NOT SCROLL. fuck you, i want freedom, i want to actually use my software for doing things instead of flexing "LOOK MA! NO SCROLLING!". uwuterm (my terminal) is smaller than st and has scrolling, and hell, it even has w3m support.
xfce KDE, Gnome, etc xfce is the perfect DE. it looks great, its comfy, its light, it has a hot mouse as a mascot, i love xfce. Gnome is a clusterfuck that memory leaks every 5 seconds, and kde is usable i guess idk its nice last time i tried but shit doesnt work often
subfolders and plaintext files any and all databases (mysql, postresql, etc) why learn sql when you can learn file managment (+ its less bloat and faster and securer)
Evolution X, DotOS, LineageOS any other roms EvoX is peak customizability and speed, DotOS is the best looks you can get in a rom OOTB, and Lineage is FOSS freedom for the local schizo, also its more stable than debian yes yes
brave search duckduckgo, google even though brave sucks, brave search is good. the only thing thats slightly bad is that theres not a lot of results (mainly for images), gmail (with proper safety) protonmail

Now, this is probably going to be the most controversial one. "ranking gmail above protonmail? what are you stupid?", well no. Protonmail is a cia honeypot. it has all of the traits of one. for example, it promises "100% privacy because swiss", "fully anonymmous emails", among other things. well, the truth is that protonmail is not anonymmous. if you sign up normally, you have to give them your ip obviously, and if you sign up through tor so that they dont get your ip, you have to verify that youre not a bot with either your phone number, or another emai. which is exactly what a cia honeypot once did. fuck protonmail, just use gmail with proper safety.

Now, what do i mean by proper safety? by that i mean

  • GPG encrypt everything
  • use generic metadata
gpg encryption should be obvious, you dont want the glowies to read your email. But why should you use generic metadata? well, the glowie boys want that metadata more than they want the actual email content. for example if they see an email with the subject being something like "next deal at los pollos", and then a 200$ payment, they instantly know its a drug deal, without even reading the actual email content. but if you use something like "good morning :)" and then gpg encrypt your mail, they dont know shit, theyre gonna think its just a good morning facebook minion meme or shitpost.

TL;DR: gpg encrypt shit, and use completely unrelated email subjects and metadata

tor, i2p, mullvad (via monero) literally any other vpn tor is good (unless you use obfs4 bridge AKA the glowie bridge), i2p is god tier (if it works for you, doesnt for me since no port forwarding), mullvad is ok i guess if you pay with monero
yt-dlp -x spotify, youtube music, etc why pay or use glowing streaming services that limit your rights when you can just download opus files directly from youtube + qbittorrent + mpv ani-cli ani-cli sucks because it doesnt work. you install ani-cli from aur, try to run it, and all you get is /usr/bin/players/player_mpv not found. 0/10 literally unusable (because it doesnt start at all)
rufus, dd balena etcher, ventoy
  • Balena Etcher - an electron spyware tool made by the cia. etcher has not only opt-out telemetry, it has opt-out telementry that sends info before you can even disable it. also, its bloated and doesnt work on some isos. 2/10 only because it looks nice
  • Ventoy - the worst thing to happen since 9/11. Ventoy is the spawn of devil himself. it creates 128 partitions on a random drive when you install it for the first time (inb4 >oh you stupid fuck it was a typo from your side, not ventoys fault!!! no, it wiped 2 drives, the one i wanted to install ventoy to AND my internal ssd.) there are many wild ventoy evangelists out there on the internet, they should be exterminated. they shill harder than brave shills and cryptobros
zstd, 7z gzip, zip, all others zstd compresses the best, gzip sucks because GNU, and 7z is good because windows users can use it
uwu, 7z (gnu) tar, cpio, etc tar sucks, uwu fucks (because i made it)